April 2022 Elite Retreat – Fiji Details

Dear Members,

After more than two years, we’re finally ready to travel and run our Elite Retreat! We are so excited to be heading to Fiji, to stay at the impressive Shangri-La.

Now, if this is your first time attending this event, let me get you up to speed. Each year, Elite Business Blueprint members join the team for three days of incredible speakers, relaxation and great times at our Elite retreat.

Here are the dates and please make sure to add these dates to your calendar:

  • Tuesday, 19th April 2022 – Arrival & Welcome Drinks
  • Wednesday, 20th April 2022 – Retreat Day 1
  • Thursday, 21st April 2022 – Retreat Day 2
  • Friday, 22nd April 2022 – Retreat Day 3
  • Saturday, 23rd April 2022 – Check Out or Stay On

Watch the video above for more details about the retreat. Then click on the link below to download the agenda of the what, where and when in Fiji.


Please take a moment to read the following points:

Arrival Drinks:

On the 19th when you arrive, we will be having informal drinks at the Black Marlin Tropical Bar at the hotel between 5:30pm – 7pm. This is completely optional, if you feel like coming along to say hi, please do so. But if not, that is fine, enjoy your rest and we will see you bright and early the next day.

Start Times and First Day:

We will be starting at 9am sharp on Wednesday, 20th April. The conference is going to run each day from 9am until 12:30pm. It will be held in the main ballroom so please be there by 8:45AM for registration. If your partners are also attending the conference portion of the trip, they will need to register in the morning as well.

Special Dinners:

On the night of the 20th we are having a welcome dinner and beach party for everyone on the main beach. On the night of the 22nd we will be having a special farewell dinner. We do have a request – on this night we’d like you to dress in a Disco style. There will be a prizes given to the most outrageous outfits on the night!

For Platinum Members, we will be having special drinks on the night of the 21st. This will give you a chance to hang out with me, Katherine and other Platinums.

Finally, should you have further questions regarding your travel, please contact:

[email protected]

Thanks for reading and we look forward to seeing all your beautiful faces soon!

Dale Beaumont
Founder & CEO of Business Blueprint

P.S. For those of you who know my wife Katherine, she likes to be super-organised and ensure that there are no unnecessary delays at the airport. So she drafted some information for you below to help you with your travels. We trust that you’ll find these helpful. After reading, please make sure to bookmark the websites and download the app.

Bula!! Fiji is rapidly approaching. Dale and I recently were on an international flight and wanted to share with you a few ‘differences’ to expect when flying now. As well as things to be prepared for.

Ros has done an awesome job coordinating all your travel and I believe by now you all have your travel docs for you and your travelling party. Please double-check all your travel documents to ensure they are in order and any questions please see the experts Ros and Mayette.

Regarding travel, be sure to allow yourself some extra time. Simply as the airports are not yet up to speed with all the changes and they are short-staffed as more flights are becoming available. Be patient and remember these ’stories’ are part of the Fiji journey with ‘how different’ it is. You are prepared for the delays or we may have a chuckle and tell me things were easier than before! We simply wish to make sure you are prepared.

Pre-flight covid testing is required by all those over the age of 12.

I suggest having the Sherpa website to refer to, ALL passport holders as well as nationalities, it is handy for current updates regarding travel/COVID requirements. It is updated by the governments regarding travel requirements regularly.


Note: NZ travellers can use Sherpa as well! Just change the travel departure place.
Fill in your departure dates, passport details and country of origin, and all the details you need are there.

Remember to toggle between the departure and arrival tab to see different requirements for entering each country. Read the info.

At This Point in Australia
Please note you are required to get the testing done by authorised testers and a certificate needs to be presented at check in.

I am aware on the surface, airport testing looks the most appealing. However, I suggest as Dale, the team and I are getting a PCR test 1-2 calendar days prior. We are aware how painful this is to coordinate, especially for families and also that there is a limited amount of places that do the testing, rather than leaving last minute to do it at the airport- simply as at the airport, you will need additional time BEFORE check in. There is uncertainty about the cues and time it will take.

However, the advantage of doing it at a testing clinic rather than an airport is you have 2 days to recalibrate if anyone in your travel party tests positive for covid. And most of these places there is no cueing, so it is fast.

Testing locations around Australia can be found on the Qantas website:


Basically, google airline, covid testing requirements, locations if you are unsure who does international certificates for travel.

Steps Involved
1. Register and prepay online
2. Go to an authorised clinic for testing (Max 2 calendar days prior to departure)
3. Receive results (I suggest having a printed and electronic copy)

A NEW requirement for return trip to be filled in before leaving Fiji.

Australians you will need to download the Australia PDP app and fill in all the details. If you are travelling with children, that can be added to your app. Click the links below to download the app.

For Apple Devices:


For Android Devices:


Allow some time to do so. You need to take a selfie on a neutral background, have your passport handy (as you need to scan that) as well as all your travel details to enter. You can ‘almost’ complete it in advance. It is a requirement for you to RETURN to Australia. At the latest fill out this app before you leave Fiji.

For members from NZ, you are required to fill this one in before your flight back to NZ:


Whew! Thanks for reading along with me. I am very particular with details regarding travel and found this one to be unusual and hopefully, this will assist you to get this all done quickly.

Remember to keep the Sherpa website handy since all the info is in there:


See you in Fiji!
